The origin and development of environmental problems in Primorye Territory in preindustrial epoch (from paleolith till 19th centuary)

  • Naumov Yu.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The analysis of materials on history of development of Primorye Territory in an ecological context shows, that in the evolution of using of natural resources by ancient people, it is possible to allocate a number of stages. From them the first one (paleolith) is characterized by the weak influence of people on natural complexes; the second (the neolith beginning) is characterized by the appreciable display of this influence; the fourth (VII – XIII centuries) is characterized by operation peak of natural resources and obvious display of ecological pressures and the beginning of environmental pollution by toxic metals.

Keywords: environmental problems, neolith, paleolith, Primorye territory, natural resources, agriculture, cattle-breeding, crafts, melt of metals, urbanization.